
Published by Bergen Runners on

时间:7月22日 到 10月19日 (含)

参加:同意下面免责声明并缴纳$20参加活动。扫二维码入活动群,费用请paypal或QuickPay至bergenrunners@gmail.com 注明参加90 day exercise challenge.


1. 每天运动半小时以上可保持“天天运动90天达人”身份。运动包括,但不局限,跑步,网球,瑜珈等,走路。

2. 每天需出具活动证明,所有跑步卡请都截屏发于活动群 (或直接打至Strava),非跑步卡允许用相片或文字纪录打卡,走路卡需至少8千步且每周最多只可打四次走路卡。所有运动請于午夜12奌前完成並打卡,如果旅行允许以当地时间时间为准,如果打卡延误必须有运动时间的证明。

3 如遇旅行,出差或身体不适等特殊原因,可允许共请假三日,之后若有需要可交$5买请假卡换取免运动一天,一人最多可买两张请假卡,超過的人出局。

奖励:所有完成90天百骏天天运动挑战者可拿回$20的本金,其余所得将用于Paramus Run前的补炭趴. 当天并将颁发百骏运动达人奖牌。

我们的目的是培养良好健康习惯,请注意运动后身体需要足够时间恢复。生病时和恶劣气候下不宜运动,特别是剧烈运动。所以请大家自行合理安排运动计划, 比如跑步后的一天可以考虑轻松的运动,打雷时转入室内活动。参加者请自行询问医生是否适合天天运动, 并自行承担所有风险, 免除群里所有人的关于这次活动的任何责任。


WAIVER OF LIABILITY: I voluntarily participating in the above event(天天运动100天). I understand that human body needs encough time to recover from physical excercises and it may be dangerous to conduct physical exercises due to health condition, adverse whether, etc . I recognize that participation in the activities is a potentiallly hazardous activity , and I willingly assume all risks associated with participating in this activity, including, but not limited to, injuries, accident, and health problem. 

Having read this Waiver, I, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release anyone who found or participates this activity from present and future claims and liabilities of any kind, known or unknown, arising out of my
 participation in this event or related activities, even though such claim or liability may arise out of negligence or fault on the part of any of the foregoing persons. 

Categories: Other Events