
2018的新年新氣象,藉由本群的人才濟濟,大家同心協力一起為跑群命新名,我們從飛狐北澤西分隊正式更名為Bergen Runners 百駿跑群,跟飛狐的大名結合就是FFCSC Bergen Runners 飛狐百駿,非常非常的響亮與適切,今年開始跑群的相關的”產品”都會孕育而生,如logo,  Strava club,隊服,網站等,我們除了跑步之外也加入了瑜珈的交流,這一切都將幫助我們邁入一個正式的團隊,一同更健康更歡樂。


From Framework to Finish Line

Rachel Lu
I run because I meet a better version of myself after mile six. Until recently, however, I would stop shortly thereafter. According to the model I had built in my mind, the health benefits of running greatly diminish after mile nine, so how could someone be brave (read: insane) enough to run a full marathon?
How could they reject such sound science? Is it really worth using up one’s limited share of luck in life on a marathon lottery? Why not just go for a run in the park?
